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Unlocking the Magic of Moving Heads: Types and Features Revealed
In this blog we’re going to explore an essential element of the entertainment industry that sets the tone for any event or performance - Automated Fixtures. Automated, moving head fixtures, or "movers" as they're commonly known, are a type of fixture that create dynamic lighting effects that can transform any space. In this blog, we'll be discussing the different types of moving head fixtures available, their specific functions and purposes, along with the best places to use them. We'll also discuss some of the possible drawbacks and limitations of each fixture.
Leave It to the Pros: Why DIY Cleaning of Lighting Dimmer Racks Might Not Be a Bright Idea
Lighting dimmer racks are the unsung heroes of the entertainment industry, playing a crucial role in controlling and regulating the intensity of stage lighting. While routine maintenance is essential for their optimal performance, attempting to clean dimmer racks on your own could lead to more harm than good. In this blog, we'll shed light on why enlisting professional expertise for dimmer rack maintenance is a wise decision.
How Gobos Can Transform Your Event
When it comes to creating a memorable event, every detail matters. One element that can make a significant impact on the ambiance and visual appeal is the use of gobos! These customizable lighting accessories have the power to transform any space into a captivating and enchanting environment. Let’s explore how you can use gobos to elevate your event and leave a lasting impression on your guests.
Creating a Magical Wedding Experience with Event Lighting
Event lighting is an essential aspect of any wedding. Lighting not only sets the mood and ambiance of the event but also serves a functional purpose in illuminating the space. A well-designed lighting plan can create a magical atmosphere and transform a wedding venue into a dreamy and romantic space. In this blog post, we will discuss how event lighting can be used in a wedding to create a memorable experience for the couple and their guests.
Basics of a Leko
Lekolite, most commonly known as a Leko, is light that uses an ellipsoidal reflector to reflect light through a lens that then focuses the light. They are used heavily in theatre and are great for precision lighting. This light looks complex, but once we break it down it is very simple. We’ll be using a SourceFour Leko as our example, but the parts are generally consistent with all Lekos.
Church Lighting 101
If you were to ask yourself what a church looked like 100+ years ago compared to present time, I am sure most of you would picture a “Little House On The Prairie” type of building that could fit a congregation of no more than 40 people. Church has changed quite radically in the last century; from choirs, pipe organs and stained-glass windows, to filling up concert stadiums with flashing lights and loud music with major production costs. Today we’re going to talk about some basic lighting that can be tailored to fit any budget or stage design.
What Is RDM?
Have you ever been setting up lighting for a concert or event, started programming, and noticed that one of your stagehands or volunteers (or let’s be honest, it was probably YOU who screwed the pooch on this one) has set a DMX address or mode incorrectly on a fixture? Now you have to find a way to get to a light that is now more than likely impossible to access, just to change one small setting that you should have noticed earlier!! Well, let me introduce you to Remote Device Management, otherwise known as RDM.
Gobos are used with ellipsoidal or spot theatrical fixtures to create lighting scenes on stage. Simple gobos, incorporated into automated lighting systems, are also popular especially at nightclubs and other musical venues to create moving shapes. They may also be used for architectural lighting, as well as in interior design, as in projecting a company logo or message on a wall.