We want to share our knowledge and help you!
Professional Design vs. Home Job: Bob with a Sweetwater Account
We get calls all the time from people who’ve purchased a piece of gear from an online store but can’t get it to work with their system. The thought process seems to include ideas like, the best gear prices are online, hiring an install company will be way more expensive, and YouTube can teach me to use any piece of equipment out there. The first two are definitely false, and while the last one might be true–and I recommend YouTube all the time–YouTube isn’t great at helping you understand how to integrate gear into an existing system, or which piece of gear to purchase.
The Importance of Professional AV Installation for Your Venue
In the world of live events, audiovisual (AV) installations play a crucial role in creating memorable and immersive experiences for both performers and audiences. From sound systems to lighting displays, professional AV installations are the backbone of any successful venue. In this blog, we will explore the importance of investing in professional AV installation and the significant impact it can have on your venue's overall quality and success.
What electrical work can (and can’t) I do in my own building?
I thought it might be helpful to share some of the tidbits of information I’ve learned over the past 18 years as an installer and Master Electrician with the State of Washington. Lots of venues, especially non-profits, have been trying to figure out more cost-effective ways to get their installations done, and I’ve had to do huge amounts of research into this subject as a qualified installer helping them figure it out.