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Gain Staging - the Missing key to a great mix
Without a doubt, the number one issue I find in venues is a lack of understanding of proper speaker placement, the second most common issue is a lack of understanding of gain staging and why it’s important. It’s the bedrock of a good mix and a critical component to avoiding a couple of other common issues.
Proper Speaker Placement
Without a doubt, the number one audio issue I see in churches and small venues is speaker placement, and more accurately, pointing your speakers in the right direction. Fortunately, this is also one of the easiest issues to fix, if you know what to look for.
Should you hang that? - A Rigging Primer
Speakers work more efficiently when hung, lights wouldn’t light very well if they could only be set on the floor, and you couldn’t see a video screen very well if it wasn’t suspended in some way. In the production world, hanging things–whether from existing structure (the building) or by building additional structure–is called rigging, and we do it all the time. While procedures exist for making sure the resulting product is safe, that doesn’t mean everyone follows those procedures, or is even aware that there is a procedure.
Fixing Wireless Microphone Dropout
When you understand the technology behind the wireless devices we use, it becomes easier to troubleshoot dropouts. Follow the guidelines in this article to clear up your wireless dropout issues and don’t be afraid to reach out to your local dealer to ask for help.
How Good In-Ear Monitors can Protect Your Hearing!
It wasn't that long ago that the traditional way to hear yourself on stage was through speakers laying all over the stage. The goal was to get it as loud as possible without creating feedback so you could hear yourself over all the noise around you. As a musician, your hearing is one of the most vital aspects to being able to do your job well. With all that sound beating on your ear drums at high volumes, is it surprising that this environment consistently leads to permanent hearing loss?
But what if I told you that you could protect your hearing AND have the best monitor mix you've ever heard?