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Lighting Katelyn Ward Lighting Katelyn Ward

How Gobos Can Transform Your Event

When it comes to creating a memorable event, every detail matters. One element that can make a significant impact on the ambiance and visual appeal is the use of gobos! These customizable lighting accessories have the power to transform any space into a captivating and enchanting environment. Let’s explore how you can use gobos to elevate your event and leave a lasting impression on your guests.

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Lighting Triston Ward Lighting Triston Ward

Basics of a Leko

Lekolite, most commonly known as a Leko, is light that uses an ellipsoidal reflector to reflect light through a lens that then focuses the light. They are used heavily in theatre and are great for precision lighting. This light looks complex, but once we break it down it is very simple. We’ll be using a SourceFour Leko as our example, but the parts are generally consistent with all Lekos.

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